Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Am Promise

We had dinner with Jeff and Jenny Drott from church last Friday. It has been on the schedule for months seemed as though the enemy didn't want us to get together. We had a wonderful time just sharing heartbeats about church. You folks would love their heart towards the body. They don't want to do anything the Lord is not directing! For instance, Jenny had taken the reins for the children's ministry when they got there and had plans for three months of curriculum all on the calendar. As she was praying the Lord told her stop I want to do a new thing. That new thing was to give her fresh revelation each week, it reminds me of manna from heaven. What NO curriculum, I can live with that, but she had some folks questioning. She went on to teach Psalms 91. The kids took it in hook line and sinker. Listen one of the students fell out of a two story window and came out with a few bruises. When asked by her parents if she was scared she said NO, Jenny taught us that the Lord will protect us and I knew that God would put something in my way to break my fall. He did it was a car! The kids are learning to HEAR from God directly too. I am so excited, when this generation starts operating in all the gifts we are going to see a mightily work of HIS splendor! Can you tell I haven't lost my love in seeing the youth move on ahead! I will be helping out this Sunday and would like prayer, so any warriors out there please pray that I would have wisdom. Would you believe it is with the 2nd thru 5th graders too! Now isn't that interesting, it seems I have had a little experience with that age group.
Sorry I got side tracked KID stuff you know! While Jim was sharing, Jenny looked at me, than said she saw two book ends coming together. Don't know what all that means but I left with tears in my eyes. Since Friday the world just looks different, I feel almost normal again! Praise God! Saturday Jim and I went to see a basketball game. My second since coaching last year. I sure love the game! Have just about decided to put my resume in for coaching at our school that is associated with Lake Country, will keep ya posted. Now, do I finish my degree or not that is the question!
I am a Promise, that is what I would like to share with you today. You are one and here is a few of the words to that song of old and new, veggietales sings it.
I am a promise
I am a possibility
I am a promise
With a capital P
I am a great big bundle of potentiality
I am learning to hear God's voice
I am trying to make the right choice
I am a promise to be anything God wants me to be....
What a powerful set of words, I woke up with this song running in my head and it went to my heart! I sang it for everyone I saw that day. Even called Vicki to sing it to her (they did a play when she was little with this song in it) If you have never hear this song it is a must. Although Jimmy informed me today that I should be listening to grownup music, his suggestion P.O.D.
Can hardly wait to see some of you, I will be in GA the middle of March!


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