Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Beginning of an Adventure

Here goes...many have been asking for the Mexico pictures. Jim has been working on the whole story to post over many weeks, but here is a few pictures just to wet your imagination. If you have no idea what I am talking about check out the for the real beginning of our story under did you ever want to parent your parents, or something like that(an email to the kids to let them know that we had survived the first night in Mexico) Hope you enjoy the following pictures! We had a blast and hope to venture back into Mexico next year after we have learned a bit more Spanish.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Camping on the River

After our wonderful trip into San Antonio, where Isaiah navigated us into and out of we ended up at Guadalupe River State Park for the night. When we arrived late in the afternoon it was still 80 degrees outside. By morning in was 40. The wind and rain started sometime after midnight. Isaiah had chosen to sleep in the hammock tent, as the wind picked up he begin to swing (I'm guessing), thus the car became the backup tent for Mr. Greer. By morning all was dry so it must not have rained much, but it was cold. The bathhouse was heated so showers were a must this cold morning. Then just a few more hours on the road and we were back in Ft. Worth.

The Alamo

Yes, we made it all the way down and back, here are a few shots of Mr. Greer himself, standing in front of the Alamo shrine (church). Not at all like the movies, it is now surrounded by buildings and more buildings and more buildings...

The famous Long building, where many soliders were treated after being injured. It was also used as a convent when it was a mission in the 1800s. For 300 hundred years Spain tried to assimilate the population into Catholicism, by building missions around this area. Mexico won its independence from Spain thus Texas was part of the Republic of Mexico. You will have to go to get the rest of the story...very inspiring, I will remember to stand up for what is right.

The line in the sand... where Travis asked the men to join him on this side if they wanted to stay and fight!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Alamo Here We Come

Yes, that is right Thursday morning bright and early Isaiah and I are heading down south to check out that historic place in San Antonio called the Alamo. I have Isaiah doing a little research for school on Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett. Movies were part of the plan, THE ALAMO and THE ALAMO (John Wayne version)! The best part of the adventure is the camping we will do Thursday night. Smores are definitely on the menu. I will post the pics when we get back. Till then remember the ALAMO when you need to hurdle that big mountain in your life.